Fragments of cartoons by Raphael at the Musée Condé

After recording the original Cartoons in the V&A in 2019 and the tapestry depicting the Sacrifice at Lystra in Mantua in 2021, three Cartoon fragments from the Musée Condé at the Château de Chantilly have been digitised in 3D, colour and infrared on January 11th and 12th, 2022. The three details from Christ’s Charge to Peter present interesting variations from the Cartoon in London, and the high-resolution digital data will help further studies on the subject.

Carlos Bayod Lucini operating the Lucida 3D Scanner to record the surface of one of the fragments © Adam Lowe for Factum Foundation

The Lucida 3D Scanner recording the surface of one of the fragments © Adam Lowe for Factum Foundation

Gabriel Scarpa recording one of the Cartoon fragments using composite photography © Factum Foundation
